Go from Worrier to Warrior

Go from Worrier to Warrior

Over the years, I’ve had a lot of clients who called themselves “worriers”. They often reported to me that worry kept them up at night, impeded their ability to excel at work or school, and had negative impacts on their relationships. They described hours of back-and-forth thoughts as they tried to make choices and then […]

6 Hacks from Happy Moms

6 Hacks from Happy Moms

Motherhood isn’t easy to hack. It’s often as challenging as it is rewarding, getting harder as it simultaneously gets more joyous. While there are no blanket answers that always apply to everyone, here are some things I’ve learned from the moms around me that allow me to feel more connected and happy, even through struggles […]

What I Learned from Cancer

What I Learned from Cancer

You know that saying that life is what happens when you are busy making other plans? Well, while I was carefully planning my 2014, life happened to me. I was diagnosed with a rare form of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in early February and the year dramatically shifted around all my carefully laid plans. Today, I want […]

4 Things to Avoid for a Healthy Relationship

4 Things to Avoid for a Healthy Relationship

All relationships hit stumbling blocks. It’s part of the natural ebb and flow of our lives, that while we change as individuals our relationships are challenged. But how we meet those challenges can be a huge part of how successful we are in overcoming them. With that in mind, here are four things that you […]